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Events Calendar - May 15, 2010
Double Dragon [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 15, 2010 @ 10:00pm
Sketchy Labs
Location:3810 St. Patrick / 1st floor / Entrance is on the back left side when facing the front of the building! / Brand New Space!
Description:Tu marches seul dans une ruelle sombre. Une ombre attire ton attention. Tu t’en approche pour savoir ce qu’il en est. Une forme animale semble se dégager de cette étrange silhouette. Enfin, c’est ce que tu crois. Comme tu as l’habitude de te battre, tu te mets en position défensive. En observant bien, tu te rends compte que le bâtiment qui te fait face émet d’étranges vibrations. C’a ne peut être que ca! Des bruits aussi lourds….ça ne fait aucun doute…la bande du…il ne faut pas prononcer ces mots.

Tu prends ton courage à deux mains et entre dans l’édifice suspect. Un escalier en piteux état te dicte le chemin. Plus tu montes, plus les bruits se transforment en sons distinctifs…L’effigie qui orne la porte du sixième confirme ton raisonnement. C’est le clan du Dragon!

Avant d’ouvrir la porte, tu déniches ton portable le plus vite possible pour appeler du renfort.Tu constates finalement que les sons que tu entendais de l’extérieur sont structurés, une musique très perturbante d’ailleurs! Pourtant, elle semble faire danser des individus, des centaines! Aussitôt les renforts arrivés, un des membres de la bande vous aperçoit du fond de la salle.
L’aventure commence….

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Your walking all alone in a dark alley; a shadow catches your attention. Your curiosity takes hold as you approach carefully. Once close some animal form emerges and disappears from the strange silhouette. You know exactly what this is, so you prepare for battle…

After some close observation you realize that the building itself is emitting these weird vibrations. It can’t be what you previously thought… the vibrations are too thick and heavy. It can only be … no one dares pronounce those words. You muster up your courage and enter the building. An old abandoned staircase leads the way. The more you climb the more the sounds become distinct. The symbol on the door of the sixth floor confirms your suspicions. Your about to intrude upon the Dragon Clan.

Before opening the door you take out your cellphone as quickly as possible to call for back up. You realize finally that the sounds you heard from the outside are structured, they from some type of strange music. Despite the weird sounds you hear the movement of the people… hundreds of people. As soon as reinforcements arrive you enter, and one of the members of the clan sees you.

The adventure begins,

These are your opponents;
Voici les combattants:

#1: Boyscout killers LIVE! (Electro/Live Electronics/Industrial)

We have been stuck in this hellish place of forced believed comfort, surrounded by the monotony it's inhabitants ultimately wear. Government workers are seen flocking every street corner. Conversations about elastic fights that broke out in the Data Entry cubicles can be felt floating over the city, something like a bad omen. We live in a place which is brimming with people who smoke large quantities of weed and waste it on couch conversation. Derelict roads leading to no place of interest. One of us managed to get to the other side of the world, only to find out the situation was worse there. We are forever trying to keep our sanity the only way we know how. We are the Boyscout Killers and we create. ..
[ www.myspace.com ]

#2: Kimazea LIVE! (Techno/Dub/2-step)

Un nouveau dans la scène montréalaise, Kimazea vagabonde dans l'espace où s'entremêlent rythmes syncopés, lourdes basses et exploration de sons électroniques fragmentés. Le résultat d'une recherche de l'équilibre entre méditation active et danse suave enflammée
[ www.kimazea.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]

#3: Bad Chemistry LIVE! (Psychadelic/Electro/Progressive/Dubstep/Trance)

Stop for a second and think about the inner human experience. Think about how we feel, sense, and perceive. Our emotions are the result of millions of individual chemical reactions taking place in our brain all at once; and thus they tend to switch and change in a blink of an eye. Bad Chemistry is the result of years of pushing these chemical reactions to the limit. It's an outward expression of our inner thoughts, feelings and ideas in the midst of a technological and chemical revolution where change happens at never seen before speeds.

Nothing is guaranteed as Bad Chemistry is all about music that makes you feel as well as move at the same time. It's all about a passion for the experience. Expect to be taken away by soaring melodies, and assaulted by heavy basslines. Be prepared to be taken to the calmest place on earth only to have it ripped out from under you in a heart beat. Most of all expect to feel. For once expect a live where the artist actually performs and the set is more then just one long song.

Expect the evolution of EDM – Bad Chemistry

#4: E.T. LIVE! (Psytrance/Dubstep/Hardstyle) -Deux rognons en cavale prod.-

E.T. est venu de loins pour vous faire danser. Utilisant plusieurs techniques de combats mystiques, il sera faire face aux démons de ce monde. Ces précédents combats, tel que la bataille épique du ‘’Gueguen’s Lunar Adventure’’,ou il défendait son peuple, l’a amené à investiguer des contrées plus lointaines. Le clan du dragon aura du fil a retorde.

#5: Cosmic Orgasm LIVE ! (Dark Full-on) -Psykonexus/20Hertz-

Cosmic orgasm is a duo project from Orbit and 1.61805.They have started in 2005, sharing ideas and technique. By uniting computer and hardware generated music, they focused on doing an incredible and one-of-a-kind live act. From dark full on to pure psy-trance, their music is like rolling thunder on a vast and endless space field.
[ www.myspace.com ]

#6: Alien Zed LIVE ! (Full-on) -Creature Productions, Jester Records-

The psytrance vibe is like nothing else in the world. I've attended many successful parties and I've learned what inevitably rocks a dance floor. My ultimate goal is to get into the crowd's mind and make every one stand up and dance;

I've been lucky enough to be a part of great parties and I want nothing more than to help make the parties I perform at memorable and successful. I know that I can share the magic of music with any one I meet so long as their minds are open and their feet are ready to dance. This is my passion, this is my skill and I know I will leave a positive mark on the rave scene before too long.

[ www.myspace.com ]

#7: Hopeku LIVE! (Morning Psy) -Transition team-

DJ and Psytrance music producer, Hopeku is one of the many new talents with tons of potential emerging from Quebec. For the first time in Montreal city, Hopeku has the honour to show you his new Fullon/morning music productions along with a great sunrise!

[ www.myspace.com ]

#8: Moad LIVE! (Dark tech) -Ground Factory Records-

[ www.myspace.com ]

#9: Epenephrin (All style suprise!)

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22h00-23h30: Boyscoutkillers LIVE
23h30-24h30: Kimazea LIVE
00h30-2h00: Bad Chemistry LIVE
2h00-3h30: Cosmic Orgasm LIVE
3h30-4h30: E.T. LIVE
4h30-6h00: Alien Zed LIVE
6h00-7h00: Hopeku LIVE
7h00-8h30: Moad LIVE
8h30-10h: Epenephrin Dj Set
Room 1:
Hopeku (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.myspace.com
A.M.P. - mtl.hyperbass.com - Jester
Alien ZeD - www.alienzed.com - Jester
Bad Chemistry - soundcloud.com - Jester Records / Sketchy Labs
Boyscoot killers Live
Cosmic orgasm - www.reverbnation.com
epinephrin - sketchy labs
Kizma - kizma.ca - Big Brigade
Vj Cyberpunk Educator - Logic Vision
Wizard of Odds (E.T.) - soundcloud.com - Sketchy Labs / Mechanimals
0.00 - 10$ en avance
Extras:Tous des sets LIVE LIVE LIVE, un seul DJ set a la fin
Plus de 7000 watt de son
Show visuel +++ des gros gun a laser

VJ Purle Gandy
VJ OtKun
Bar a jus sur place
Déco par Gandy Vs la bande a Pixou
Billets: 10$ avance, 15$ porte
Les billets sont en vente au Psychonaut 154 Prince Arthur
Et au numero suivant : 514-290-7263

Venez encourager la relève!
Déguisé vous, soyez vous-même?
Sketchy labs production


Location Map: [ maps.google.com ]

The entrance is going to be on the back east side of the building. Just walk up to where you normally go in but instead of going in just fallow the wall to your left. Or you could just fallow the sound, because it's guaranteed to be loud!

Ear-plugs are suggested! Also to avoid problems with the cops there will be no alcohol aloud inside the building.

Hoping to see you all there it's definitely going to be out of this world!
Added:Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 1:28pm by » Trisomik
Modified:Sat May 15, 2010 @ 8:40am by » Bad_Chemistry
Events Calendar - May 15, 2010
Contributing Members: » BluishProtozoa (47)
Member Comments
» BluishProtozoa said @ Mon May 17, 2010 @ 6:38pm
les pics sen viennent !
» derfnoise said @ Mon May 17, 2010 @ 5:40pm
no picture !!!! o_O
» EatMyShort said @ Mon May 17, 2010 @ 9:13am
Merci à tous ceux qui ont dansés pour moi.
» psyfuckingtrance said @ Mon May 17, 2010 @ 9:07am
beau party, merci =)
» chatchaman said @ Sun May 16, 2010 @ 7:45pm
ce fut incroyable :)
» Pomme said @ Sun May 16, 2010 @ 7:22pm
ah! ça a fait tellement de bien cette soirée là, merci!
» jullzfly said @ Sun May 16, 2010 @ 9:54am
Party de malade
» adLpz said @ Sun May 16, 2010 @ 8:46am
[ www.youtube.com ] voici un apercu de double dragon, a quand le prochain? ^^
» Ybou said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 5:43pm
à tantot, je vais tous vous cracher du feu hahahahahaha
» psyfuckingtrance said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 5:16pm
vas pisser chez ton voisin
» EatMyShort said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 5:14pm
magasin coin coin
» kareniel said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 3:02pm
Pow Pow Tchik-a-tchik-a Wow Wow!
» Shaki said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 1:05pm
Fidget, shakes and flashing near death bosses
» Bad_Chemistry said @ Sat May 15, 2010 @ 9:03am
Party Tonight Baby! Not to be Missed!
» LiquidShadow said @ Fri May 14, 2010 @ 8:39pm
si qq1 veux un billet à 10 $, 514-655-8967, ben peur jpeux pas y aller :( (trop crevé)
» BluishProtozoa said @ Fri May 14, 2010 @ 3:16pm
on peut atteindre 100 personnes par demain!
» qwertyu said @ Fri May 14, 2010 @ 11:13am
something new, something fresh! :)
» BluishProtozoa said @ Thu May 13, 2010 @ 11:26am
comme denl bonn vieux temps... MOER JDANSEE décompte: 55h
» dawker30 said @ Wed May 12, 2010 @ 10:13pm
bon la j'essayer de trouvé mon chandail de mario bros.. car jpense que mon chandail double dragon est perdu depui sbelle lurette:P mouahahahahaha pis tien pour faire référence aux consolle 8-bits ma ressortir ma buckle-belt manette nintendo 8-bit... ish!!! jpense que j'adopterai un peu un look nerd sul bord... mouahahahahaha
» kareniel said @ Tue May 11, 2010 @ 9:38pm
J'ai mis en ligne quelques petits aperçus du projet Kimazéa. À écouter de préférence dans des écouteurs: [ www.myspace.com ]
» dawker30 said @ Tue May 11, 2010 @ 6:14pm
ok ! la sa fais comme un an que je suis pas sortie dans un mechant party pis la jpense que chu trop du!!! au fais la palce va etre anoncer quand??? jpense meme sortir mon vieu chandail de double dragon... si jpeux le trouvé! ahahahahahahaah!!!!!
» Trisomik said @ Mon May 10, 2010 @ 10:12am
Yeahhhh ceesstt cette semaine!
» chatchaman said @ Sun May 9, 2010 @ 1:56pm
Ka Pow!! Bang Bang!!! :D
» Chocmonster said @ Wed May 5, 2010 @ 6:39pm
hhm. 69 attending. this is going to be one sexy live party. haha yayy
» Bad_Chemistry said @ Wed May 5, 2010 @ 6:31pm
Je promet un bon boute de musique pas mal dark et psychedelic aussi! Preparez Vous!
» VURT said @ Wed May 5, 2010 @ 12:18pm
Mon Pat entk y joue pas live, mais y joue du trrrrrès bon darkpsyyyy :P Pis oui, on aime ca quand cest sombre et méchant ! miam ! ;) c'est bon pour l'âme! Anyway, hâte au party, c'est bientôt!
» MrJavel said @ Tue May 4, 2010 @ 9:46pm
Hmmm c'est vrai qu'y'en a pas... Pas encore! ;)
» Trisomik said @ Tue May 4, 2010 @ 9:33pm
Oui cest surr que sa srait malade avoir un vrai LIVE de dark psy...Seulement yen a pas a pelleter au Quebec. Alien Zed, Cosmic orgasm et moi meme allons quand meme dans les terrains du dark...
» MrJavel said @ Tue May 4, 2010 @ 6:55pm
J'appuie la proposition de D.J.Psyrenity : DARKPSY!!! Ça ferait quand même pas mal, ça ferait même beaucoup de bien! :D
» Bad_Chemistry said @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 @ 6:48pm
» Trisomik said @ Fri Apr 30, 2010 @ 4:38pm
Jviens de me rendre compte que jai pas trop compris la question de pat sur les services personnelles lol
» AlienZeD said @ Thu Apr 29, 2010 @ 4:23pm
» Sparklz said @ Sun Apr 25, 2010 @ 5:26pm
» OtKun said @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 @ 10:36pm
Alien Zed Live !!! can't wait !!!
» Bad_Chemistry said @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 @ 4:18pm
Sa depend est tu capables de fournire des services d'un genre plus personelles?
» GuessWho said @ Sun Apr 11, 2010 @ 1:24pm
avez vous besoind dun dj dark psy ? ...
» JEE3.14_agricole said @ Fri Apr 9, 2010 @ 6:58pm
» Trisomik said @ Thu Apr 8, 2010 @ 1:03am
Not really....take a look at the descprition....But yeah. Double Dragon is the theme of the nigt (deco and art)
» chatchaman said @ Wed Apr 7, 2010 @ 11:38am
musique 8 bit??
» Psilo said @ Sun Apr 4, 2010 @ 12:56am
plus qu'interessant ce party d'live a decouvrir. La description est inspirer. Pis Sketchy Lab Prod m'intrigue au plus haut point!
» Soulslayer said @ Thu Apr 1, 2010 @ 6:38pm
@Pan-do : Excellent !!! :D
» AlienZeD said @ Tue Mar 30, 2010 @ 4:02am
i will pump u up!
» simbabbad said @ Thu Mar 18, 2010 @ 9:24am
ça l'air intéressant comme concept!
» Pan-do said @ Tue Mar 16, 2010 @ 12:39pm
He took the steel chain, i took the nunchaku, and we fought, as if there was no tomorrow.All of a sudden we weer surrounded by ninja,but we had something they didn't, nice Americans hair cut,we are brothers,we are enemies, we are friends,but we are double COOL.(wink a Étienne)
» Akibel said @ Wed Feb 24, 2010 @ 10:23am
ça c'est vraiment original comme concept... quelque chose de différent va faire du bien. Cosmic live, i'm sooo there ^.^
» Trisomik said @ Tue Feb 23, 2010 @ 4:08pm
its Gandy ....a big bad guy
» PiiXiiE said @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 @ 6:52pm
Who designed the flyers???
» AlienZeD said @ Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 3:27pm
ooooooh yeah!
» ET-extraterestre said @ Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 3:22pm
Kick coup de point kick