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Eclipse Summer Electronic Music Festival 2010 --- July 23-26
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Tech_Safari replied on Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 9:53pm
Coolness: 78405
10 Years Already!

The much-expected 10th anniversary of electronic-music festival ECLIPSE will be celebrated on the magnificent site of Bonnet Rouge in Outaouais, in the small municipality of Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau, Québec. This year, for the 10th anniversary, the festival will offer a varied and futuristic musical program, with avant-gardist, large-scale installations, visuals and artistic concepts. There’ll be something for every one of your senses! The 2010 edition will see the return of a selection of Canadian artists, as well as performances from many international artists, recognized and loved all over the world. Expect new items and surprises. This will be your festival’s 10th anniversary—and it’ll mark the return of a thousand and one colours. We cordially invite you to this 10th experience filled with contemporary electronic music, dance, alternative philosophies, synergy, and symbiosis—all in nature! Eclipse is a festive event of visual and musical art reuniting artists, participants and travellers from all corners of the globe. Tech Safari thanks you for your support and encouragement after all these years of experiences, harmony and bonding!

More than a music festival, Eclipse is a genuine happening: in the midst of nature, a genuine ''village''is erected by its 2 500 residents- and vanishes without a trace four days later. This parallel universe, made up of unlikely buildings and installations, shines with a thousand lights when night falls. This magic is made possible through the collaboration and work of various artists, decorators, performers and vjs.

Come to danced the life!
Come to join us for the 10th eXperience !

INFOS ------- [ eclipsefestival.com ]


10 ans déjà !

Le 10e anniversaire tant attendu du festival de musique électronique ÉCLIPSE sera célébré à nouveau sur le magnifique site du Bonnet Rouge, en Outaouais, dans la petite municipalité de Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau dans la province de Québec. Cette année, le 10e anniversaire offrira une programmation musicale variée et futuriste, présentée avec des installations d’envergures, des visuels, et un concept artistique avant-gardiste pour le plaisir de tous vos sens ! L’édition 2010 marquera le retour d’une sélection d’artistes canadiens et la présence de nombreux artistes internationaux reconnus et aimés dans le monde entier. Des nouveautés et des surprises vous y attendent. C’est le 10e anniversaire de votre festival, qui marquera le retour des mille et une couleurs. Nous vous invitons cordialement à cette 10e expérience de musique électronique contemporaine, de danse, de philosophies alternatives, de synergie et de symbiose en pleine nature ! Éclipse est un événement festif d’arts visuels et sonores qui réunit des artistes, des participants et des voyageurs des quatre coins du monde. Toute l’équipe de Tech Safari vous remercie chaleureusement pour votre soutien et votre appui après toutes ces années d’expériences, d’harmonie et de tissage de liens !

Bien plus qu'un festival de musique, le festival Éclipse est un véritable happening: au milieu de la nature où se construit un ''village'' de plus de 2500 habitants, qui disparaitra sans laisser de traces quatre jours plus tard. Cet univers parallèle, composé de batiments et d'installations improbables, s'illumine de mille feux lorsque vient la nuit. Cette magie est rendue possible grâce à la collaboration et au travail de différents artistes,décorateurs,performeurs et vjs.

Venez danser la vie !
Venez vivre la 10e eXpérience !

INFOS ------ [ www.eclipsefestival.com ]
I'm feeling info@techsafari.ca right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Sat Feb 13, 2010 @ 7:16am
Coolness: 146725
wheee !! cette année, chpense bien qu'jmen viens :)
I'm feeling at home! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bonkerz replied on Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 3:58am
Coolness: 87845
Eclipse FTW
I'm feeling psyhead right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MAtRiCks replied on Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 9:55am
Coolness: 79855
Je serai de la fête cette année, et peut-être la dernière fois pour quelques années malheureusement... On va en profiter comme il se doit!
I'm feeling motivated right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JEE3.14_agricole replied on Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 11:43am
Coolness: 107635
I'm feeling break~~ right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» the_big_jo replied on Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 4:56pm
Coolness: 56985
I'm feeling rainbow trip muthafuckaz!!!! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Sparklz replied on Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 9:52pm
Coolness: 113795
Dunno if I'll be making it out for this one this year =(
I'm feeling kapow! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JEE3.14_agricole replied on Tue Feb 16, 2010 @ 10:18am
Coolness: 107635
then youll be missing out.. 10th anniversary!!
Should be cwazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm feeling break~~ right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» sabinonstop replied on Tue Feb 16, 2010 @ 11:26am
Coolness: 92830
I have a feeling this will be the best Eclipse ever ;)
I'm feeling "o" reginal retar right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JEE3.14_agricole replied on Tue Feb 16, 2010 @ 12:18pm
Coolness: 107635
im hooked on a feeling.. im high on believing!!
I'm feeling lete>> betot? right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» spo_onani replied on Tue Feb 16, 2010 @ 5:34pm
Coolness: 76085
à quand la prévente ? :)
I'm feeling ''o'' reginald retar right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lanie replied on Thu Feb 18, 2010 @ 6:20pm
Coolness: 87435
La prévente débute le 3 avril au psychonaut, au chanvre du Nord et sur [ www.techsafari.ca ]

Cette 10e année va être tout simplement démente, ça c'est sûr!!! ^_^
I'm feeling vibrasphere 13 mars!!!! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Tech_Safari replied on Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 12:36pm
Coolness: 78405
the new web site is out !
info, presale + line up :
[ www.eclipsefestival.com ]
I'm feeling info@techsafari.ca right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 3:04pm
Coolness: 146725
wheee :)
4 ans après, j'y remets les pieds !

y va-tu yavoir des tickets pour moins de 4 jours ?
genre un pack 2 ou 3 jours ?
I'm feeling at home! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MAtRiCks replied on Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 3:55pm
Coolness: 79855
JUNO REACTOR!!!!! %$**??/"
I'm feeling motivated right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mAd-kiloZ replied on Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 4:45pm
Coolness: 91565
mAd-kiloZ =))) hahahahah yaye it will be my first eclipse & enplus I get to mix =) MERCI TechSafari =)
I'm feeling i love my r0bot !_! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Tech_Safari replied on Sat Mar 20, 2010 @ 1:36am
Coolness: 78405
iNFOS + LINE UP 2010- [ www.eclipsefestival.com ]

I'm feeling info@techsafari.ca right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DJ_Rikam replied on Sat Mar 20, 2010 @ 2:08am
Coolness: 62805
Bonjour à tous,
hi all,

this is the official line up of the 10th anniversary of your festival !!!
don t miss it ! thanks for your support !!!



Aerodromme live !
Tribal Vision Records/Toronto/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

BLT live !
Neurobiotic Records/Israel
[ www.myspace.com ]

D-Nox & Beckers live !
[ www.d-nox.com ]
[ www.beckers-music.com ]

Duca live !
Tribal Vision Records/Serbie
[ www.myspace.com ]

FM Radio Gods live !
Attitude Recordings/!K7/Akarien/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Hyper Frequencies live !
Mechanik Records/Syncronize Records/France
[ www.myspace.com ]

Kode Six live !
Vision Records/Phonolite/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Koxbox live !
Twisted Records/Ibiza/Espagne
[ www.myspace.com ]

Likewise live !
Attitude Recordings/Noerg/Montréal/Canada
[ www.attituderecordings.com ]

Liquid Stranger live !
Interchill Records/Arizona/USA
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.psymbolic.com ]

Mad Maxx live !
Phantasm Records/France
[ www.myspace.com ]

Perfect Stranger live !
Iboga Records/Israel
[ www.myspace.com ]

Xerox & Illumination live !
HOMmega productions/Israel
[ www.myspace.com ]

Xnorophis live !
[ xnorophis.com ]

[[DJ SET]]

Sonic Beating/Russie/États-Unis
[ www.sonicbeating.org ]

[ www.nasselrahil.com ]

Dimitri Nakov (psy trance set)
Neurobiotic Records/Ibiza/Espagne
[ www.myspace.com ]

[ www.d-nox.com ]

Tribal Vision Records/Serbia
[ www.myspace.com ]

Neurobiotic Records/UK
[ www.myspace.com ]

Franke aka Koxbox
Twisted Records/Ibiza/Espagne
[ www.myspace.com ]

Gill aka Hyper Frequencies
Mechanic Records/Syncronize Records/France
[ www.myspace.com ]

Infinite Sun
Ultra Violet Carnival/San Francisco/USA
[ www.ultravioletcarnival.com ]

Nass El Rahil/Nomadstribe/Montréal/Canada
[ www.nasselrahil.com ]

Jowel Mcduff
Travel Spirit/Nass El Rahil/Montréal/Canada
[ www.nasselrahil.com ]

Juno Reactor
Metropolis/Blue Room/UK
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.reactorleak.com ]

Machine Elf
Oya Collective/Timewave/Toronto/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Tech Safari/Montréal/Canada
[ www.techsafari.ca ]

Maxx aka Sirius Isness/Mad Maxx
Phantasm Records/France
[ www.myspace.com ]

Zenon Records/Area 709
[ www.zenonrecords.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]

Plan B
Shakti Collective/Toronto/Canada

Bom Shanka Music/FrakaSound Records/Mexico
[ www.myspace.com ]

Creatures/Jester Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Tech Safari/Neurobiotic Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Vibromassacre/cism 89.3 fm/Montréal/Canada
[ .myspace.com ]

Tech Safari/Attitude Recordings/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Xerox & Illumination
HOMmega productions/Tel Aviv/Israel
[ www.myspace.com ]

Tech Safari/Ultra Groove Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Zen aka Astral Waves
Altar Records/Inverness/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]


(techno/minimal/tech house/electro/dubstep/breaks/prog/psy trance/dub/world beat...)

Live PA:

Les Limaces
Akarien/Tasty Bytes Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.akarien.com ]

Squidlid live !
Zirco Circus/Gnome/Toronto/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ squidlid.com ]

Zumba live !
Suma/Hot Pie Records/Toronto/Canada
[ www.sumantics.org ]
[ www.zumbaland.net ]

Xnorophis (dub live set)
[ xnorophis.com ]

[[DJ SET]:

Anima tag Nt Shanti
Filthy Crew, OuiR-1/Montréal/Canada

[ www.beckers-music.com ]

Attitude Recordings/Portugal
[ www.myspace.com ]

Dimitri Nakov [techno set]
Tronic/Ibz Recordings/ Ibiza/Espagne
[ www.myspace.com ]

[ www.d-nox.com ]

Tribal Vision Records/Serbie
[ www.myspace.com ]

Edoardo Marvaso
Microbiotic/Tropical Beats/Italie
[ soundcloud.com ]

64hz/Sub Vision Records
[ ] [ www.myspace.com ]

Franke [techno set]
Ibz Recordings/Ibiza/Espagne
[ www.myspace.com ]

Freak Addiction Krew/Six feet high/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Jonah K

Cruz Control/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Lee Lee Mishi
[ www.sumantics.org ]

Liquid Stranger
Interchill Records/Arizona/USA
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.psymbolic.com ]

Longstocking vs Mama Trance
Syzygy/Mystika Circus/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

[ www.ntkrew.org ]

Interchill Records /Montréal/Canada
[ www.interchill.com ]

[ www.neurovortex.com ]

Red Electric Earth
[ www.create-change.org ]


40hz Productions/Toronto/Canada
[ www.40hz.ca ]

Xdc music/Mexico
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]

Cruz Control/Quadbyte Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Yann [techno set]
Tech Safari/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Iboga Records/Israel
[ www.myspace.com ]

*STELLAR STAGE [Présenté sous le dôme de lumières / Under the dome of light]

Ambiant and world beat music
Interaction and exchange space
Workshops,ccnferences and performances
Projections,shot films, films and visuals
Relaxation zone
Massages and rest area

Musiques ambiantes et musiques du monde
Espace d'interactions et d'échanges
Zone de détente et de relaxation
Ateliers, conférences et performances
Projections,films,documentaires et visuels
Massages et aire de repos

[Concert de vaisseaux de crystal par Sylvain Desalliers et Valérie Néron]
[Crystal vessel concert by Sylvain Desalliers et Valérie Néron]
(Atelier de Reiki [] )
(Atelier de yoGa)



Filthy Crew.OuiR-1/Montréal/Canada

Studio Stéréo Records/ IN Grooves
[ www.danyjanvier.com ]

Boom Tara

Kristian Sunflower
[ www.sumantics.org ]

[ www.soundcloud.com ]

Red Electric Earth
[ www.create-change.org ]

The Zuwuya Surfer/Montréal/Canada

Syzygy/ Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Interchill Records/Montréal/Canada
[ www.interchill.com ]

Sabi Non Stop
Big member/Six feet high/Montréal/Canada
[ www.myspace.com ]

Shango (dub jamaican dj set)
NVX/Psyfi/Chyz 94.3 FM/ Québec/Canada
[ www.neurovortex.com ]


Sons of Aurora
Area 709/Calgary/Canada
[ www.area709.com ]

Altar Records/Inverness/Canada
[ www.altar-records.com ]

[ Sumkidz.org ]
[ www.sumantics.org ]


Decorations + visionnary arts, VJ'S,stuctures and artistics live performances will be revealed soon on [ www.eclipsefestival.com ] )



Billets 4 jours
4 days tickets

Samedi 3 avril 2010
Saturday April 3th

[Les 25 premières personnes à se présenter au Psychonaut se mériteront un CD gracieuseté de l'étiquette 24/7 media /UK [ www.tenty4seven.cc ]

400 premiers/first @ 90$ (tx incl) --- only at psychonaut, Chanvre du nord and ONLINE/PAYPAL on [ www.eclipsefestival.com ]
600 suivants/next @ 110$ (tx incl)
Les suivants/ next @ 125$ (tx incl)
Porte/Gate: 150$ (tx incl)

* Gratuit pour les enfants moins de 14 ans accompagnés d'un adulte*
*Entrance is free for children under 14 years accompanied by an adult*

Autobus/Bus trip
30$ in advance / available in shops
50$ in the bus the day of the departure if availlable... disponible le jour du départ de l'autobus si disponible


Psychonaut/ 154 Prince-Arthur E. / Montréal/514-844-8998
Chanvre du Nord/ 38 de martigny Est/ St-Jérôme/450-565-5305
High times/1385 Ste-Catherine Ouest/Montréal/514-849-4446
High times/1210 Ste-Catherine Est/Montréal/514-529-5666
Shanti Baba/548 Queen St. W./Toronto/416-504-5034
Platine/565B St-Jean/ Québec/418-529-8174
I'm feeling rikam@techsafari.ca right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Tech_Safari replied on Sat Mar 20, 2010 @ 4:46am
Coolness: 78405

JUNO REACTOR DJ SET ! [ by the legendary Mike Maguire!]
Metropolis/Blue Room/UK
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.ugo.com ]

Best-known for injecting former porn star Traci Lords with some hi-NRG trance on her 1995 solo album, Ben Watkins and co. have pursued a fusion of Goa trance and techno on their own recordings as Juno Reactor. Watkins, who has produced Alison Moyet and worked with Youth (in both the Empty Quarter and Brilliant), formed his own band in the late '80s, the Flowerpot Men (not to be confused with the '60s band of the same name). Not long after, Watkins retreated to travel around the world with a portable DAT recorder, using the results to soundtrack a traveling art exhbition. After meeting up with Stefan Holweck, an old comrade from Brilliant, the duo formed Juno Reactor with Mike Maguire and occasional contributors Johan Bley and Jens Waldenback.

Originally formed out of the Goa vibe of the early '90s, Juno Reactor, lead by producer Ben Watkins, released its first single titled "Laughing Gas" in 1993, followed by their debut album, Transmissions, which spawned the in dancefloor hit, "High Energy Protons'', signed to Mute Records and toured as the Orb's support slot for chillout-room duty; a deal with Orb's Inter Modo label resulted in 1994's Luciano. The hype increased a year later as Traci Lords recruited the group to produce her debut album, 1000 Fires. Signed to Wax Trax! a year later (but on Blue Room Released in Europe), Juno Reactor returned with their third album, Beyond the Infinite, in 1996. Bible of Dreams followed in 1997 and Shango in fall 2000. Watkins' side-projects include Psychoslaphead and Electrotete. ~ John Bush, All Music Guide

Continuing their innovation, the band departed from their roots in 1997 with Bible of Dreams, which focused on punchy, powerful electronic mixes. As Reactor's popularity grew, Watkins continued experimenting with form and introduced Amampondo, Nelson Mandela's favorite traditional South African percussion act, to the world of Juno Reactor, including taking the group on a five week tour of the U.S. with him opening for Moby. In 2004, Juno Reactor released Labyrinth, a more mellow album for the band, utilizing rock and world music influences that still hinted of trance beats.

Based in trance, techno, industrial, pop, rock, dance, and world, Juno Reactor ranks as one of the few bands able to claim the ability to easily cross genres. While their albums certainly give us excellent representation of their musical abilities, Juno Reactor's live shows are where they really shine. Unlike a traditional concert, attendees experience a true performance, with a blend of music, hypnotic lighting effects and live action. The group has only gotten better the more they perform and allow other influences to integrate into their music. The collaborations with the drum-heavy African-based Amampondo offset Reactor's trancey melodies and chilling, throaty vocals. This is most obvious on their latest release, Labyrinth, which even incorporates flamenco-style guitars into their high energy, pounding rhythms, and almost tribal vocals.


You hear it in the distance; the throbbing rhythms of the universe align as planets spin into uncharted musical territories from beyond the trance. In the early nineties Ben Watkins set out to bring the world a culture clash of sonic textures that defies the word fusion. Although Juno Reactor has no band members and never will, Watkins set out to mold it’s destiny with various collaborators an intense ambient soundtrack emerged to accompany ‘The Missile Project.’ It could have been the inspiration from the obelisk in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey or the famous plaster caster of the sixties, but Juno’s name evolved from a seventy foot long concrete structure that Ben’s girlfriend dreamed up and named Juno Reactor. The music transcends the name bridging multiple cultures and ancient religions alike. Today the teardrop evolves, forever changing; while the eternal cries of the live Reactor can be heard worldwide. Welcome to ‘the ceremony,’ ethnic chaos in harmony, where the ancients meet the geniuses of Silicon Valley to celebrate the fusion of past and future to create the now. A circus from the netherworld featuring incantations, chants, vocals, lighting, mesmerizing visualizations, and raw live action. From the tribes of the past to the rock bands of the future, the Reactors live energy is showcased by two concerts in Japan. The first, Live in Tokyo (2001), was recorded in surround sound and features revelations from Shango, Conga Fury, and God Is God. This is the beginning of Juno’s live essence, from the mind-expanding musicianship to the acrobatics of Amampondo, and all the glimmering hypnotic visuals, it’s a journey to encounter, but be careful, some have never returned. The second DVD Audio Visual Experience was also recorded in Tokyo (2007) and is the most accurate vision of Juno live today. Drawing from its primitive roots and fueled by its high tech sonics, the Reactor emerges as a modern day film in flux, its Watkins motion picture experiences that drive the new Reactor at the speed of light through the 21st Century. This is where you enter the Labyrinth, but where’s the exit? We’re swallowed up by Zwara, as Mabi takes on the role of a Sangoma, a spiritual healer, chanting in South African beckoning his ancestors to come and heal the children in the spiritual world. It’s his anger, frustration, that transform into a pure state of bliss, he is alive once again! In the Juno tradition this is more than music, reality transcending entertainment, taking us beyond, crossing over to the other side. 
 The AV Experience showcases the infinite talents of the ‘new’ live Reactor. From the classic War Dogs with the esoteric vocals of Taz, to the powerhouse drumming of Greg Ellis in Giant, to the precise, but wild guitar rants of Steve Stevens (Billy Idol), it’s the fusion of all these talents with Watkins and Amampondo that create a live musical experience which goes beyond the studio, unlocking a door to the unknown for all to explore. Their strength is revealed in Angels and Men as the players react off of each others performances instinctually. A spiritual journey, the musicians are released flying together in harmony, unfolding before our very eyes and ears. In 1993 a glimmer of light peeked through as the journey began. Juno Reactor’s album, Transmissions has led to seven sonic adventures including Luciana (95) the inspiration for ‘The Missile Project,’ Beyond the Infinite (96), Bible of Dreams (97), Shango (2000), Odyssey 1992-2002 (03), and the two albums that currently define the Reactor’s morphing style, Labyrinth (04) and Gods and Monsters (08). Juno’s music has also been adapted by many filmmakers over the years in Mortal Kombat, Eraser, Virtuosity, Lost In Space, the Romeo & Juliet trailer, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, The Anamatrix, Final Flight of the Osiris (special short Matrix animated film), and Secuestro Express as well as heard at baseball, basketball, and grid iron football games, the Japanese Grand Prix, and on Play Station®'s Jet Mojo3. These musical styles have propelled the Reactor through a cinematic black hole to discover new and uncharted worlds. As trance, break beat, techno, industrial, pop, rock, dance, and world, filtered themselves through Watkins experiences, the vibe transformed into electronic soundscapes accompanied by raw primitive rhythms, instinct meets technology, and the Juno universe is reborn. 1997 was the beginning of a new era and style as Ben Watkins fused with Amampondo, a South African (Cape Town) percussive ensemble. Their first collaboration was Shango, named after the Nigerian God of Thunder; this represents the beginning of a new live element. As time passed many myths and legends were explored, ranging from South African tribalism to Celtic mythology to Mexican rituals, but it was Labyrinth that encapsulated every cell of musical influence Watkins had evolved with. This new found influence began to develop with Ben’s adventure into the film music world with The Wachowski brothers and composer Don Davis on The Matrix: Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolutions. This led to Watkins scoring Brave Story, (A Japanese feature Anime) but it was The Matrix syndrome which actually birthed Labyrinth’s turn of events and led to the incredibly diverse Gods and Monsters. The new album still gives us those Matrix moments in Tanta Pena, journeys into uncharted territories that cross cultural boundaries. Ben performs on the edge of a razor blade as his mainstream lead vocalizations merge with the Reactor’s past hum to produce a completely different style splintering into infinity. The future of the Reactor drags the past into its unsuspecting web to open a new dimension as Watkins vocalizations are the closest element that lets Juno enter the mainstream. Still the music pulls you right back into its tangled creative web, seducing a world of new listeners who will plug into the reactor for the first time, but still pleasing those who have been lost in the Juno universe forever. Whether it’s on the Mexican horizon in Inca Steppa, Frank Sinatra’s space odyssey in a city born out of madness and violence called Las Vegas, the hordes of Babylon in City of the Sinful, releasing yourself in Mind of the Free, the apocalyptic Immaculate Crucifixion, that scheming jerk in Perfect Crime, a simple vision of a Pretty Girl, or just the mysterious panoramic view of a city called Tokyo, Gods and Monsters unleashes a counter culture of esoteric delights. You can hear it in the driving percussion of Gocoo (the all female percussion ensemble from Japan), the South African rhythms of Amampondo, Mabi’s magical chants, and the band just playing their hearts out. Juno Reactor has become a musical tour de force to be reckoned with. The day of reckoning is at hand; once again the Reactor has cracked open, shaking us asunder, revealing Gods and Monsters in a world unbeknownst to all. Gods and Goddesses celebrating cacophony as technology twists and turns against the grain revealing the ancients into the light. It’s been Sixteen years of evolution as the teardrop is still falling, waiting for a resting place, while destiny changes it forever. [By Rudy Koppl]
I'm feeling info@techsafari.ca right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Sat Mar 20, 2010 @ 1:11pm
Coolness: 146725
So, will there be any tickets for 2 or 3 days, instead of 4?
I'm feeling at home! right now..
Eclipse Summer Electronic Music Festival 2010 --- July 23-26
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »»
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