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The Dawson Shooter Profile Page
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 8:40am
Coolness: 92250
what if they did see something? what would they do about it? He was a goth and he liked guns, it might sound like a lot but if you knew a goth who had guns you probably wouldn't think anything of it. We can't just go around locking up every goith who has a gun. Besides, it's his parents, have you guys ever heard of love and trust? If your kid says they're okay all you can do is give them the benefit of the doubt.
Update » moondancer wrote on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 8:42am
We do always see a sign beofre someone commits suicide.. ahd here too.. thing is, when you see those signs, does i make you beleive they will actually kill yourself or does it make you annoyed that they're seekign attention? People always talk abotu these "signs" but when those signs meet them face to face they don't do antyhign except make it worse.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 8:48am
Coolness: 158720
if they see their son with a gun like that and writting stuuf like that: they should call the police. that's it.

whatever if he's goth or prep or yob or whatever...

and non i'm sorry but if my dad saw me with a gun under is roof or not, if he trust me or not he would have call the police righ away.. and majority of people would have do something. people don't take seriously things. not enough.

well about your suicide comments. people that i know who killed themselves or attanpted their life aren't doing that for attention.
Update » Holly_Golightly wrote on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 8:51am
i remember that when i was listenning nirvana at 13 yo and singing loud in my room stuff like : "i hate myself and i wanna die"... my dad was very concern and had a conversation with me for make sure how i was interpreting their lyrics parallely to my life..

i don't blame the parents. that's important i wanted to ad that too.
I'm feeling ok right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 9:24am
Coolness: 178630
Possible also that his parents didn't give a fuck about him. Des mauvais parents, ça existe. Mais bon, s'il vivait encore avec, on peut p-ê exclure cette cause.

Tk, y'est mort.

(Son arme était légale par contre, ça serait une bonne chose de contrôler plus les armes, pour pas que n'importe quel cave puisse en avoir. Je sais que ça va pas empêcher du monde d'en importer illégalement, mais ça peut p-ê diminuer le nombre de monde avec un gun.)
I'm feeling dead, but dreaming right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 9:27am
Coolness: 92250
I know they aren't doing it for attention but when they give out clues, people think that they are giving those clues for attention and thus they get no help, he gave out a thousand clues and he got no help.. cause if I had stumbled upon his profile before he did this I would have thought "how pathetic, he wants to be cool". A lot of people have guns, even if his parents did call the police he was in LEGAL possesion of a gun and he was over 18 so they wouldn't have been able to take it away from him. And parents don't knwo what their kids are writing on the internet. Do your parents know what YOU write on the internet? Because my parents certainly don't know what I write on the internet or anywhere else for that matter. It's okay to say that they take part of the blame, and whatever they did to contribute to this probably wasn't even on purpose, but don't say that they could have stopped this, don't say that it was obvious. The one who pushed this kid to breakign point were poeple our age, that much is clear. We have a lot of influence over eachother, most of the time at this age, more than our parents. His parents coudl have said a million things to make him feel better but no matter what they say the world around him stays the same.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Phoenix replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 10:15am
Coolness: 81675
The guy was over 18, hence according to law he is considered an adult and therefore fully responsable for his own actions, regardless of whether he lives with other family members. Being an abusive parent is against the law, being a bad parent is not therefore, if there was evidcence to support that his actions were a direct or indirect result of parental abuse (physical or psychological) the parents could potentially be charged with adolecent abuse and/or criminal negligence causing bodily harm. Unfortunately since they have plausible deniability I doubt they'd be convicted of anything even if the charges were laid.
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» kwickStah replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 10:46am
Coolness: 65530
Je comprends pas qu`est-ce qui a pu le pousser a faire une chose pareil... j`essaye encore et encore de comprendre et de trouver une explication logique.. Une chose est sure c qu`il avait l`air completement desemparer sur ses photos et il semble avoir enormement de colere accumuler.. Ses parents ont malheureusement pas fait une bonne job quelque part. c`est plate a dire, mais un homme qui commet un acte de cet ordre la est non seulement a bout de force, mais aussi totalement deconnecter.. Moi je serais pret a dire qu`il a manquer bcp d`affection dans sa jeunesse et que ses actes violents n`etaient pas reprimender a leur juste valeurs.. Tous les parents peuvent pas etre parfait, mais parfois les erreurs peuvent etre fatal. N`empeche que je trouve sa triste pour toutes les victimes et leurs famille..Mais ya toujours une petite voie qui me dit que ce gars la etait pas juste mechant. Je trouve sa domage qu`il en soit arriver la.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 10:55am
Coolness: 92250
One day half of you guys are gonna be parents and at least one of you will have a kid who murders someone.. when that happens I will not only be laughing but I will be laughing hysterically at how incredibly misinformed you must be to believe that a childs mind is simple enough to understand and control. Of all the bad things I did in my life to dissapoint my mother, not a single one of thsoe things was ever her fault, not in any way that she meant. You can't predict whats gonna happen like that, a kid is a lot more complicated than a fucking chess baord, any little thing you do can change everyhting even if you THINK what you're doing is right, the morality of what you do changes nothing, fucked up kids have good parents, kids with fucked up parents are good kids. If you wanna blame someone just blame yourself cause it's nobody's fault and that's not fair to say. Either we blame the government, society, the kid himself, the kids around him or the parents but it's all of those things, and it's not unreasonable to believe that even if the parents were PERFECT, all those other factors could have fucked him just as hard.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» djpsychokitty replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:04am
Coolness: 47410
yup, i dont really blame the parents, he was over 18 and so far, if he was a good or convincing actor, his parents may have seen nothing and never went to his room because he asked maybe a little privacy. But one thing is sure, he was psychotic, he tought police was looking his house for the last 6 years and he tought he had mind reading power and things like that. Usually, its very hard between the age of 16 and 20 to put a diagnostic of psychosos on someone because we are all a little fucked up at that age, but the first real symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia usually appears between 22 and 26 for men. and i guess thats what happens, he was probably in the high spot of his mental illness. but crazy people can be very convincing that they are perfectly normal.

I've read a little bit of his blog and damn this guy seems to act and think like a 15 years old
I'm feeling dead inside right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» poypoypoy replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:08am
Coolness: 48705
^je seconde
I'm feeling carpe diem right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Haha replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:23am
Coolness: 40520
Originally Posted By AERIAL_RAVER

Possible also that his parents didn't give a fuck about him. Des mauvais parents, �a existe. Mais bon, s'il vivait encore avec, on peut p-� exclure cette cause.

Tk, y'est mort.

(Son arme �tait l�gale par contre, �a serait une bonne chose de contr�ler plus les armes, pour pas que n'importe quel cave puisse en avoir. Je sais que �a va pas emp�cher du monde d'en importer ill�galement, mais �a peut p-� diminuer le nombre de monde avec un gun.)

Ca va juste diminuer le nombre de bon monde avec un gun. Les méchants vont quand même en avoir, que ca soit légal ou non.
I'm feeling rlim shaikorthic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» kwickStah replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:39am
Coolness: 65530
Le gars etait peut etre adulte, mais pour etre aussi feler y faut manquer de quelque chose depuis toujours.. Tous les parents font des erreurs et c`est humain, mais parfois les erreurs peuvent etre fatales.. C`est sure que les parents pouvaient pas savoir qui frais une chose pareil, mais quand meme le gars yest pas devenu fou parce que la societe le fesait chier.. D`apres moi la societe le fesais chier parce qu`il n`arrivait pas a s`y adapter..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» poypoypoy replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:44am
Coolness: 48705
ouais ben y'a qq semaines il avait envoyé un email à un des ses rares amis, avec la photo de son nouveau gun et en écrivant que l'on allait parler de lui sur CNN bientot...

J'ai lu ça sur la cyberpresse.
I'm feeling carpe diem right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 12:14pm
Coolness: 509545
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP

Ca va juste diminuer le nombre de bon monde avec un gun. Les m�chants vont quand m�me en avoir, que ca soit l�gal ou non.

or wan
"Bon monde avec un gun." Ca existe pas mon ami. If you're a good person, you don't need or want a gun.PERIOD.
I'm feeling blown away right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» kwickStah replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 12:53pm
Coolness: 65530
Ben voyont!! Les chasseurs qu`est-ce que t`en fait? Personnelement je suis daccord avec DrNyarlathotep les gents qui veulent tuer vont toujours trouver moyen de s`arranger, le controle des armes a feu va rien changer... C`est juste chiant pour les chasseurs qui vont bientot exercer leur loisir...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 1:36pm
Coolness: 509545
Etant presque vegetarian, je ne crois pas que c correcte de tuer un animal plus que de tuer un autre homme. Il y a ASSEZ de nouriture a ton epicerie. Mais je suis nee et j'ai vecu en ville toute ma vie alors je ne vois pas les choses de la meme facon. Il y a d'autre facon de tuer les animaux aussi! genre un marteau

etk les fusils fait rien que faciliter la perte de vie, c pas normal de vouloir avoir un pouvoir sur la vie des autres, c a dieu de faire ca. (dieu, le destin, whatever!)
I'm feeling blown away right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Haha replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 1:52pm
Coolness: 40520
Originally Posted By ALIEN_ZED

Originally Posted By DrNyarlathotep
Ca va juste diminuer le nombre de bon monde avec un gun. Les m�chants vont quand m�me en avoir, que ca soit l�gal ou non.

or wan
"Bon monde avec un gun." Ca existe pas mon ami. If you're a good person, you don't need or want a gun.PERIOD.

Wha? Et si le soldat arrive dans ton pays avec un gun pour s'approprier ton territoire, tu vas te defendre avec quoi? Ta salade?

Le "bon" monde existe, avec des guns. J'aimerais bien te voir chasser l'orignal a coup de marteau, "mon ami".
I'm feeling rlim shaikorthic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 2:00pm
Coolness: 71420
the guys room is very clean apart from crappy posters
obviously very boring. and those creepy motifs feed into the general sense of alienation from happiness that people tend to harbour when in a state out of balance and stuff. that's why i like organic food and new age holistic zen feng shui crap. rainbow chakra gayness. my house is a bit messy and full of books and records and electronic stuff. hobbies. organic food. chakras. c'est important. mais bon il faut etre ouvert a cela. this is nurtured. i can't believe i'm posting here. ntk. bonjour anyways
I'm feeling motherofpearl right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 2:04pm
Coolness: 92250
for real, that guy coulda used a little yoga and shit.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Phoenix replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 2:07pm
Coolness: 81675
Yoga with a touch of hydrogen cyanide might've kept him sedated but who knows for sure...
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 2:12pm
Coolness: 158720
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER

I know they aren't doing it for attention but when they give out clues, people think that they are giving those clues for attention and thus they get no help, he gave out a thousand clues and he got no help.. cause if I had stumbled upon his profile before he did this I would have thought "how pathetic, he wants to be cool". A lot of people have guns, even if his parents did call the police he was in LEGAL possesion of a gun and he was over 18 so they wouldn't have been able to take it away from him. And parents don't knwo what their kids are writing on the internet. Do your parents know what YOU write on the internet? Because my parents certainly don't know what I write on the internet or anywhere else for that matter. It's okay to say that they take part of the blame, and whatever they did to contribute to this probably wasn't even on purpose, but don't say that they could have stopped this, don't say that it was obvious. The one who pushed this kid to breakign point were poeple our age, that much is clear. We have a lot of influence over eachother, most of the time at this age, more than our parents. His parents coudl have said a million things to make him feel better but no matter what they say the world around him stays the same.

u bring info that i wasn't aware of.. like i didn't know he was legaly in possession of his arm..

well like u said it's wasn't that obvious because iot's happened..and alot of people were aware of his state of mind and that he have guns..

i have to admit that me too if i had seen this profile before i would just think:"what a fucking debile attarde!".. i would probably not call 911..

we should take more seriously clues...
Update » Holly_Golightly wrote on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 2:17pm
poy says : ouais ben y'a qq semaines il avait envoy� un email � un des ses rares amis, avec la photo de son nouveau gun et en �crivant que l'on allait parler de lui sur CNN bientot...

J'ai lu �a sur la cyberpresse.

ca c vrai j'ai vu l'entrevue avec cet amis la.. il le connaissait depuis dix ans.
I'm feeling ok right now..
The Dawson Shooter Profile Page
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