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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:RAVE.CA V17.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Guru : Jazzamatazz Live X-ORIGINAL-URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/27223/ VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:19691231T190000Z LAST-MODIFIED:19691231T190000Z CREATED:20090308T210813Z SEQUENCE:27223 ORGANIZER:Unknown DTSTART:20061203T210000Z DTEND:20061203T120000Z UID:event_27223@rave.ca SUMMARY:Guru : Jazzamatazz Live LOCATION:Mod, The URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/27223/ DESCRIPTION:Guru : Jazzamatazz LIVE (the legendary MC & rap-jazz genre creator) performing alongside: Solar (NYC’s hottest hip hop producer) Doo Wop (the master of the mix tape) Special Surprise Guest Backing Jazz/Soul Musicians Rhythmicru w/The Irie Band (live hip hop) Jugular (beat boxing) DJ Dalia (on the decks) Anne-Marie Woods aka Amani (Spoken Word) Shebang! (all-female B-girl crew) and other special guests! CLASS:PUBLIC CATEGORIES: STATUS:CONFIRMED PARTSTAT:ACCEPTED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR