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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:RAVE.CA V17.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Supernova 2009 Oa -Niebüll, Nordsee (Near Dan., Ger. Border) X-ORIGINAL-URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/22070/ VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20090401T121538Z LAST-MODIFIED:20090401T121538Z CREATED:20081017T143802Z SEQUENCE:22070 ORGANIZER:Unknown DTSTART:20090501T210000Z DTEND:20090503T210000Z UID:event_22070@rave.ca SUMMARY:Supernova 2009 Oa -Niebüll, Nordsee (Near Dan., Ger. Border) LOCATION:Unknown URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/22070/ DESCRIPTION:Sound of Vision (Spirit of Time / Kiel, GER) [click here] Volu-men (volu-men.de / Berlin, GER) [click here] ...weitere folgen... . DJs Baum (Klangkontakt + Midijum / Kiel, GER) [click here] Bengel (Spirit of Time / Kiel, GER) [click here] Dsompa (Tranceorientexpress / Hamburg, GER) [click here] Elektro-Punk (Vertex Rec. / Bremen, GER) [click here] [click here] Expanding Conscience (filthy crew,spiritual healing- ARG/CAN) [click here] F.L.U.X. (BackyardClub + Fullmoon / Kho Phangan, THA + GER) (Attitude Rec. / Dezign Music / Echoes Rec.) [click here] Presenting unreleased tracks from his upcoming album on Plusquam Records! Gehörmasseur (areopenforlabel / Kiel, GER) [click here] [click here] Djane Graziella (ORGoASM) "first time in germany ;-)" [click here] Mantranon (areopenforalabel / Bremen, GER) [click here] Djane Melburn (Antaris + Vuuv / Hamburg, GER) [click here] [click here] Mikari (Planet Ben Rec. + Vertex Rec. / Krefeld, GER) [click here] Djane Miss Nic (Shiva Moon / Hamburg, GER) [click here] Pantareih (ORGoASM / Duisburg, GER) [click here] Pr0fane (Iboga Rec. / Århus, DK) [click here] Ricon (ORGoASM / Solingen, GER) [click here] Rudegirl (Vertex Rec. / Bremen, GER) [click here] [click here] ...weitere folgen... . Deco Sunfusion (Shaman Exp. + Magic Mountain / Flensburgoa) Graziella&Pantareih (ORGoASM / Duisburg) [click here] A wonderful location with a fantastic deco is waiting for you! Location The same wonderful and lovely location as 2008. Click here: [click here] But this year i got three times more space there, so der kan kommer det hele danmark ;-) Google Map [click here] Infos Attention! Drivers, u can stay til monday, if you feel, u r not ready ;-) The space must be empty at monday evening or tuesday morning. CLASS:PUBLIC CATEGORIES: STATUS:CONFIRMED PARTSTAT:ACCEPTED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR