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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Education, Enlightenment Cut Crime
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Education, Enlightenment Cut Crime
Published On:2011-12-13
Source:Summerland Review (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-12-16 06:00:24

Dear Editor:

There have been several letters to the editor in the past few weeks
against the government's new crime bill and pointing out the
ineffectiveness of throwing people in jail.

The jailhouse becomes a revolving door for many criminals. Studies
have shown that the majority of those in jail are mentally ill or
emotionally wounded.

It has also been pointed out that the crime rate is falling across the country.

I believe the crime rate will continue to fall, and it has nothing to
do with being tough on crime. It has everything to do with education
and enlightenment.

The children of today are educated about the dangers of drugs and
alcohol. There are fewer young people today needing to anaesthetize
themselves in order to block out the pain and trauma from being abused.

They have been taught to tell someone if anyone sexually abuses them,
and if they do tell someone they are actually listened to and action
is taken against the abuser.

It is also no longer acceptable for parents, teachers and principals
to physically strike children, whether it be with a ruler, strap, rod
or hand. If they do, they face losing their jobs or losing their children.

This was not the case for previous generations. I am only 50-something
and recall the teachers and principals of our local schools walking
around the school yard with the big black strap in hand. I can clearly
recall the sight of the red swollen hands of the boys returning to
class after that strap was used. Can you imagine the outcry if that
happened today?

That's because society has evolved, and we are much more enlightened
and educated now. In the years to come there will be no need for more
jails because there will be fewer humans walking around with wounded
souls because the adults who were entrusted with their care mistreated
them instead of caring for them.

When it comes to the government's war on drugs, including the new
penalties for marijuana that people are speaking out against, well, I
believe that too will change. When the educated younger generations
get their turn at running our country, they will be wise enough to
learn from the past and realize prohibition has never worked.

They will be smart enough to regulate and control all drugs, much like
we do now with alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs.

This will take the whole business out of the hands of the criminal
element, and raise tax dollars to offer more treatment to those who
are open to it. It will also save on policing costs, due to the fact
that a large percentage of crime revolves around the drug trade.

And finally, when it comes to marijuana, I can foresee the day when
B.C. Bud is sold alongside B.C. wines in our local government liquor
stores. It's only a matter of time.

Carla McLeod

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